• @[email protected]
    -48 months ago

    There will always be horrible people, doing horrible acts it’s not a surprise nor newsworthy.

    Do we need an article tomorrow when that same hate group leader says the N word?

    He’s watching a video.

    It’s not like he’s the one who did the act.

    I sympathize with the victim but don’t see how this is any more relevant to society than the root of the child was hurt which should be it’s own article and call to action

    • @[email protected]
      138 months ago

      We kinda do need these articles. These people push a narrative that they’re just “concerned about the children” and trying to save them from “groomers” (ie anyone who allows them the freedom and agency to figure themselves out and express themselves). Articles like this poke holes in the image they project, and show them for the monsters they really are.

      Yes, you already know they’re monsters. So do I. But clearly, not everyone has gotten the message yet, and if we ignore their monstrous acts and words, those people will be left to listen to the narrative they do get.