• @z00s
    8 months ago

    My proudest moment as a teacher in my career so far was when one of my grade 9 girls quietly confessed to me that she liked K-pop, and that people had made fun of her for it.

    Coincidentally, I had done some teaching in Korea, and loved it. So, I excitedly said (at a nerdily loud volume) “I LOVE K-POP!!”

    She didn’t believe me at first, but eventually did when I named my favourite bands/songs.

    She looked so happy! I told her that even if no one else thought so, we both knew each other were cool 😎

    Don’t ever let anyone shit on your enthusiasm, kids. Your interests are part of who you are, and it’s not ok to make fun of that.

    Let your freak flag fly, and you’ll be a much happier person.

    And to anyone who has ever been discouraged from their interests: I’m sorry you went through that, it’s not OK. It’s never too late to get back into it, whatever it is. And I will know you’re cool 😎