So far i haver a 1/100 Full Mechanics barbatos, 2 small sds i got for cheap, 3 Digimon Amplified and a Yugioh Amplified. Im looking at what to build next and im thinking on sticking to 1/100. Whats your opinion on that?

Also, have you guys done any house moving with gunplas? im positive i will be moving in less than 2 years or so and im more worried about having to move the gunplas than the figures as they are more flimsy

  • @[email protected]
    57 months ago

    I have 100 and 144. I do tend to like 100 better, but it’s not something I lock myself into. Depends on my budget, free space, gumption, and the model itself.

    As far as moving with gunpla, no, but I have moved with minis from Warhammer and such and have had no issues as long as I used good carrying cases. Maybe try some rubbermaid containers and pluck foam?

    • @[email protected]OP
      37 months ago

      Yeah you are right, i was thinking it would bother me a bit seeing a bunch of different sizes on the gunplas shelve as it bothers me a bit with other figures but its better to focus on which models i like better! Its not like the Digimon ones are super consistent size wise already anywyay with Omegamons tiny head vs Wargreymon way bigger one lol.

      About moving yeah will probably take out the bigger pieces and store then with foam in a solid container and pray a bit.