The lattice is a plastic “redwood lattice” and the gravel is ~6” thick 7-10mm “pea gravel”.

I used pvc panels to protect from the rain and collect the water, there’s a tarp on the north side to prevent driving rain, and a tarp under the stairs for a little more protection too.

Still need the creature comforts like a light, organize the shed, run the hoses again, etc, but pumped to have this milestone crossed off, since it was an absolutely unexpected side quest from what we wanted to get done this year, but that’s life.

  • @SchmidtGeneticsOP
    18 months ago

    Thanks! It’s only 5 foot tall in there, so before the previous old girl passed it was going to be a jungle gym for the kids, so gravel/something to fall on anyways, and would have just needed some ropes and hooks or something. I think this will get used much more anyways. The puppy already loves just chilling in it with me while I was working.

    He’s a little too into everything, so hence the hurry/need to get it done fast now haha. I thought I would have a couple weeks with the adoption process.