In a world-first discovery, Griffith University researchers have discovered that faulty cell function in veterans suffering from Gulf War Illness (GWI), also known as Gulf War Syndrome (GWS), is likely caused by intense exposure to hazardous biological and chemical agents during war service.

The findings from our research provides clear scientific evidence that the health problems experienced by Gulf War veterans can be directly linked to their exposure to specific hazardous agents during their service.

Our study reveals a crucial dysfunction in cell ion channels, specifically the transient receptor potential ion channels, in veterans with GWI.

This discovery is a significant step forward in understanding this baffling and complex illness.

Novel characterization of endogenous transient receptor potential melastatin 3 ion channels from Gulf War Illness participants

  • sp3ctr4l
    8 months ago

    My personal, extremely unprofessional hypothesis on this is that it is at least in some part due to inhaling basically aerosolized depleted uranium, or taking basically microscopic shrapnel from rounds on target nearby.

    A 10s, M1A1s, Bradleys, many different combat vehicles were using DU in some form or another, if not for the first time, certainly for the first time at such a large scale.

    DU is a wonderful kind of hell material that can either partially ‘moltenify’ or splinter and shatter depending on its velocity and angle of impact with whichever material, to put it in very over simplistic terms.

    You also basically cannot metabolize it out, its stuck in you forever.

    Of course I am not a biologist or materials science expert, there was a ton of other insane shit going on as well.

    I can’t imagine breathing anywhere near hundreds of flaming oil wells is good for your health either.

    EDIT: People do not widely know that breathing in the smoke from a wood bon fire for 30 minutes is something like the equivalent of smoking a few packs of cigarettes in terms of carcinogen exposure, scale that up to 100s petroleum wells burning for weeks or months.

    And then there is Wooly Pete, White Phosphorus… that shit is extremely bad to be in close proximity to.

    • SonyOPM
      28 months ago

      This is exactly what the research guys have concluded, whether it be dusty folks in war zones, emergency service personnel or just your ordinary, average everyday dusty dude in the street. The inflammatory response is triggered by a build up of nasties in the body, a combination of toxins, fine particulates and biological pathogens, the end result is immune dysregulation…Bingo!