TIL that television program “The Boys” has an in universe cryptocurrency as a satire of, well, cryptocurrency in general but also specifically that time when DJT was selling NFTs. They occasionally tweet about it.

It has a listing on the “BSCScan” crypto tracker under the name “VTC” so someone might have actually minted it? It might surprise some of you that I have no way of telling the realness of such a thing.

  • @[email protected]
    68 months ago

    it’s also deeply depressing how many chuds and pepe-afficionado it’s-just-a-frog-bro haha-only-serious people (often gamers, not exclusively) have taken to posting homelander memes

    I mean, extreme credit to the showrunners for how well they manage the portrayals (and that this even ends up happening), but god damn

    • flere-imsaho
      8 months ago

      misaimed fandoms are a thing; you’d be surprised (or not) how many hard right fans in poland do the witcher books and games have. similarly, there are still people who believe that verhoeven’s starship troopers film is an affirmation, not repudiation of fascism (in the original book, and in general).

      • @[email protected]
        48 months ago

        The book, to be fair, is somewhat more complicated. It’s more or less Heinlein musing on how fascism could be appealing; ie what sort of conditions ultimately lead to people finding it preferable. A lot of the book was inspired by his time in the navy, and how he felt that a strictly controlled and disciplined environment made him a happier person (my personal suspicion is that Heinlein was the kind of autistic person for whom a strict routine and a carefully spelled out set of rules for social interaction were highly beneficial, and simply assumed that everyone else was the same and just didn’t know it).

        • flere-imsaho
          28 months ago

          oh i agree, but verhoeven’s reading of the original is still not wrong, and the reassons for his distaste are valid. and heinlein was not only the author of the moon is harsh mistress, but also of the incredibly racist farnham’s freehold (yes, i’m aware that he probably toned down the racism of campbell’s original, but that’s a bar so low that you need to dig a trench to find it.)

          • @[email protected]
            8 months ago

            To be clear, I prefer Verhoeven’s interpretation. All of the above is exactly why I’m not a big fan of Heinlein.