Unless on usurped or deceptive pretenses, I do not encourage the act of circumventing bans, and other people in charge would say the same.

That said, if someone gives off the vibes that they’re in the business of it, it cannot be enforced as if it were an exact science. It can only be dissuaded based on certain definitive details. We kindly ask if you may give the benefit of the doubt, and if people (not us) have the authority to do so, they will act.

Let people higher up take care of these matters. Do not harass people or vent at them over such matters, and report people cautiously, not based on whims. Or as a list of rules once said…

“Remember the human” is as good a rule here as anywhere. Thanking all for their patience.

  • Alice
    -58 months ago

    What about banning everyone who is doing what is not desired, for one day ?

    Like a timeout. Bans don’t have to be indefinite, but why put up with the bullshit? Are you on they’re payroll? I’m gunna guess not.

    Don’t Take offense to that, I’m basically suggesting a ‘tough shit’ approach. Bc I’m sure you have a life and stuff, obviously you like lemmy cause you’re here, but you don’t have to put up with everyone’s nonsense.

    They don’t own you or anything. You’re the mod/admin so it’s nice and transparent of you, to give these warnings. But it’s already in the rules. You’re doing double work for ungrateful people. Look at your downvote ratio on this post for example.

    That’s how they feel about what YOU have to say don’t let ppl boss you around like that. They don’t pay your bills and they ain’t yo mama either.

    Just immediate ban for 24hrs. Keep doing it until they know you’re not fuckin around.

    But anyway. Hope things get better sorry for preaching. Take care

    • Call me Lenny/LeniOPM
      18 months ago

      This is already a thing. When I provide a response to something, the effect is never permanent, whether rewarding or punishing. It goes along with the fact that the most fitting form of authoritative decision making isn’t based on subjective whim but is systemic (and based on consistent clear-cut guide lines).