Assuming there’s nothing stopping you from legally voting

  • @[email protected]
    12 months ago

    Voting is harder in the US. I can almost get that the one party has made it more difficult to vote because it benefits that party. I am ever in awe at the hardship americans can sometimes endure to vote, and then see it nullified.

    Voting in Canada is quaint but effective: I go to a polling place, I - now, Americans, this is gonna offend you - bring my driver’s license to prove my ID, they write a line through my name on a piece of paper, I take the paper fn ballot behind the cardboard half-screen like it’s high-school, and mark a big X in a few boxes, fold it and drop it into another cardboard box carefully marked ‘ballots’. Then people count them by hand and by the end of the night we’re 100% done.

    Not everyone has a system as simple and effective. It’s a massive effort to vote in America, and I’d love to see that fixed as well.

    • @okamiueru
      2 months ago

      The last four times I’ve voted. I spent, on average, less than ten minutes from arriving at the place to vote, and leaving that place. And I don’t mean at the booth itself. I’d say from when I parked the car, to when I left in the car… but I walked. 10 minutes (the first 3 times) and after moving, 5 minutes last time.

      It’s amazing how shit things can get, when enough people deliberately want to make it more shit. You know who and what I’m talking about. If not, I’d be happy to clarify.

    • @[email protected]
      22 months ago

      Living in a state with universal mail-in voting, I honestly think I just don’t understand how hard it is in states without that.

      • @[email protected]
        12 months ago

        In Texas, it’s pretty easy if you fit within the criteria and you do it early. You apply for a ballot, get it, fill it out, and send it back. As long as the USPS does their job (which on 1 occasion for me, they didn’t), it works out.