Hello everyone,

Well, basically title. I tried the freiwilliges Feuerwehr, but I dont think they want non-german people.

Any other ideas?

I speak fluent german, english and spanish, 30s, male, etc

  • leobm
    2 years ago

    That’s sad, unfortunately there are racists everywhere, but you shouldn’t let that discourage you. There are also organisations that are happy when you come. And then you wonder why integration doesn’t work in Germany. Something like a community, like the voluntary fire brigade, could be a place to achieve good integration.

    In the end, the people who always talk about failed integration don’t really want integration, I think sometimes.

    Or is there an association of volunteer fire brigades? Maybe one should report it?

    Edit: https://www.deutschlandfunk.de/freiwillige-feuerwehr-ehrenamtlerin-mit-100.html “Basak Aslan würde es gut finden, wenn sich viel mehr Migranten für ein Ehrenamt bei der Feuerwehr entscheiden würden – ein Leben ohne den Dienst in der Freiwilligen Feuerwehr kann sie sich jedenfalls nicht mehr vorstellen. Und mittlerweile ist auch ihr Vater stolz auf sie.”

    It’s kind of ironic when you read that.


    this here too

    • @electrogamermanOP
      22 years ago

      Im not discouraged at all. I mean it sucks because i was really looking forward to work as a fire fighter (or at least close to it), but if they dont want me, I wilö give my time and help somewhere else. I just need to find the right thing :)