I got permanently banned for suggesting that the fastest, most effective way to deal with someone hanging a Nazi flag on their front porch was through the ancient Nordic practice of hús-brenna. The ban ended up affecting all my electronic devices that I’d ever used to access Reddit, so that even new accounts got permanently banned within a few hours.
This was before the IPO, or banning access to their API.
I got permanently banned for suggesting that the fastest, most effective way to deal with someone hanging a Nazi flag on their front porch was through the ancient Nordic practice of hús-brenna. The ban ended up affecting all my electronic devices that I’d ever used to access Reddit, so that even new accounts got permanently banned within a few hours.
This was before the IPO, or banning access to their API.
Wtf that was harsh.
Now I wonder if “hus bränna” (burn house) was actually a thing…
It’s attested to by multiple sources; whether or not that makes it real is subject to a degree of interpretation.