I’m traveling to the US mainland for the first time in my life in a few weeks.

I am not overly stressed about privacy, but I have read that US immigration can really overstep their boundaries. Are there any simple specific steps to take on my devices to protect my privace when going through US border control?

Remove my main accounts from my phone/tablet and use dummy accounts? Or just removing my biometrics?

  • unconfirmedsourcesDOTgov@lemmy.sdf.org
    9 months ago

    They’re arresting tourists from other countries for being pregnant? On the basis that they might… go home and get an abortion? I don’t completely follow.

    You know this thread is about US federal immigration, right?

    I’m not super in tune with everything that happens in the backwards US states but this doesn’t sound like something that is happening. Yes, I’ve heard that some states are or have inquired about getting data from health apps about period tracking, and I’ve read the articles about the nefarious ways that they could use that data, but I’ve seen nothing about the impact that could have on tourists.

    • InternetCitizen2
      8 months ago

      They’re arresting tourists from other countries for being pregnant?

      They are not. I live in such a red state and I’m not sure I’d want yo visit as a tourist.