Looking for a FOSS SMS app that is fully compatible with Android 14. I’ve had issues with finding one, I used to use (I think) QKSMS, but it started to crash when I upgraded to LOS 21. Now I just use the LineageOS SMS app, I think it is AOSP messages.

What SMS apps do you use? No required features. Scheduled texts are nice, though.

  • The Soca Vault
    18 months ago

    I’m kinda new to this, so I was just wondering.

    • boredsquirrel
      18 months ago

      Yes it is FOSS just like the other recommendations in my other comment.

      At 60MB it is pretty bloated for an SMS app though, so I would prefer something simpler like Fossify Contacts, or something with encryption like Deku SMS

      • The Soca Vault
        18 months ago

        Thanks. I understand the bloated part, but personally for me, coming from Textra, it’s comparable to what I had, minus the trackers

        • boredsquirrel
          18 months ago

          Haha, okay then… what features do you find so useful?

          For example timed messages… I dont use SMS at all XD

          If I do, I would prefer DekuSMS as it has AES encryption so at least you are not spied on (if both use DekuSMS)

          • The Soca Vault
            28 months ago

            2 main features - the ability to make the texts bigger by percentage. So I was able to make the texts about 125 percent bigger. The other main feature was to have a media picker integrated into the app when sending a picture ect.

            Also a bonus was having Giphy integrated as well, but I know that definitely has trackers involved.

            But overall I do like Quik.

              • The Soca Vault
                18 months ago

                Yes. I have friends who solely rely on SMS. Best is when they try to send a video.

                • boredsquirrel
                  18 months ago

                  Crazy… I would really encourage to use DekuSMS then. It also has picture support and encrypted SMS if both use the app and opt in to encryption.

                  Otherwise SMS is insecure as hell.

                  • The Soca Vault
                    18 months ago

                    I 100 percent agree about the insecurity. Deku is on F Droid?