• @Clinicallydepressedpoochie
    3 months ago

    You can’t say “these guys are actual Nazis, that really actually want to do Nazi shit [and they do], but be cool about it.”

    What the fuck is “be cool about it”? Voting them out of office is “be cool about it”? Fascists are the ones that believe might makes right you numbskull. As much as I want biden to flex his absolute immunity I know for a fact that would solve nothing and put us further behind. Democrats have to demonstrate they can make the system work for the people. That is the only way the people will have faith in the system.

    It’s two fold, the people have to participate in the system. And you shit bags, storming in at the last hour after ever thing was said and done demanding we work outside what we had already established, are such a pain in my ass.

    I don’t mind, I think it’s fine to have discourse, but please, have just as much if not more discourse around trump. Wtf. Would it help if I had mitt romney come by, grab your arm, and force it in your face and say, “stop hitting yourself”?

    The nuclear strike is coming, and the government is saying, “hey, all we have are these umbrellas, if you vote me in I can delay it a bit longer.”

    Again, still haven’t addressed my original assertion. The things that the GOP are doing speak louder than any rhetoric…

    • @[email protected]
      53 months ago

      Dude, okay, first: I’m sure the Nazis led plenty of people to the gas chambers with their heads held high with pride about their non-violence. What stopped the Nazis was bullets. There aren’t any two ways about it, if you really, really believe that the GOP are a bunch of violent fascists, and they are, then saying “no, it’s okay, we can beat Hitler with voting / I’ll feel good if we lose as long as I tried my best” is a deranged statement. I can’t believe you had the gall to call me out of touch with reality. You can’t have it both ways, they’re either an existential threat to the Republic and a large chunk of America, or it’s okay if Joe loses as long as he tried his best.

      Look, I voted in the primary, and I didn’t vote for Biden, so miss me with 100% of that shit. I want the democrats to get their ass in gear because I don’t particularly want to have to shoot Nazis. and btw, can you rephrase what the question is that you’re posing about the SCOTUS? What exactly is it that you want to hear from me?

      • @Clinicallydepressedpoochie
        -13 months ago

        I really belive the GOP are Christo-facists. Being a facist doesn’t mean they automatically get power. Like we arent at gas chambers yet. Obviously, wtf. You seem to think that Joe should be escalating when nothing is set as there is an entire election that will shape the course of history. You don’t live in reality.

        I don’t get to go out on the street and shoot a nazi because they have a swastika on their chest. Full stop.

        • @[email protected]
          3 months ago

          I don’t want Biden to start drone striking Congress, but it would be nice if the democrats acted like this election is as important as they keep saying it is, because it is that important.