I don’t think I’ve ever experienced before this big of a sentiment gap between tech – web tech especially – and the public sentiment I hear from the people I know and the media I experience.

Most of the time I hear “AI” mentioned on Icelandic mainstream media or from people I know outside of tech, it’s being used as to describe something as a specific kind of bad. “It’s very AI-like” (“mjög gervigreindarlegt” in Icelandic) has become the talk radio short hand for uninventive, clichéd, and formulaic.

babe wake up the butlerian jihad is coming

  • @dustyData
    218 months ago

    It doesn’t help that the people pushing the public and the C suite executives to destroy everyone’s livelihood in favor of AI were the exact same people scamming everyone with crypto and NFTs, and the same people breaking online privacy and enshittifying everything online with ad herpes.