I don’t think I’ve ever experienced before this big of a sentiment gap between tech – web tech especially – and the public sentiment I hear from the people I know and the media I experience.

Most of the time I hear “AI” mentioned on Icelandic mainstream media or from people I know outside of tech, it’s being used as to describe something as a specific kind of bad. “It’s very AI-like” (“mjög gervigreindarlegt” in Icelandic) has become the talk radio short hand for uninventive, clichéd, and formulaic.

babe wake up the butlerian jihad is coming

  • @ZILtoid1991
    87 months ago

    It also scares away some artists of both old and new. Yes, some actually get into “real” art after those crappy AI generators, others that already struggle with “but I haven’t born talented” will have even bigger problem moving forward. I’ve seen some giving up on learning laguages when the first mediocre machine translators came out, and they were awful at best.

    • Mii
      127 months ago

      Yes, some actually get into “real” art after those crappy AI generators

      I legitimately picked up drawing again a year or so back after some complete asshat at work made me listen to him talk for half an hour about how Midjourney was the art of the future and how finally the art world would not be gatekept by those entitled artsy types anymore.

      I mean, I’m still shit at it, but I’m petty enough to do it just so I can stick it to that guy at some point by telling him that I don’t use or need spicy chatbots for dev work or art.

      • @[email protected]
        117 months ago

        Seeing the practice of art as a means to produce content instead of an end in itself is the most depressing shit ever. People make art because they enjoy the process!