I love playing with my HA and associated devices. I suspect that most of you reading this get a bit of a jolt every time you add and incorporate a new sensor, camera, integration and get to play with it.

I have all the door/window sensors and locks/covers, every angle of my exterior covered with cameras, alarm, network devices, appliances, sprinklers, household devices covered.

Any ideas for a new thing I can play with?

  • @acceptable_pumpkin
    38 months ago

    Not if you build an NFC tag reader! Then anyone can scan tags! Great for music jukeboxes!

    • @peregus
      28 months ago

      Do you mean that smartphones can act as a NFC tag? Even when they’re locked?

      • @acceptable_pumpkin
        28 months ago

        Oh sorry, I meant that with an nfc tag reader you don’t need the smart phone. Apologies that I wasn’t clear.

        • @peregus
          28 months ago

          Oh, nooouuuu! I was so happy when I read your post! 😆 Thanks for clarifying.