The incident occurred during the comedy duo’s recent performance in Sydney, Australia, during which Gass made a birthday wish onstage: “Don’t miss Trump next time.” While video showed attendees responding with laughter, the comment garnered the attention of right-wing politicians in Australia, who proceeded to call for Tenacious D’s deportation.

Taking the high road is swell, but also fuck off, Karen. Kyle Gass is a comedic rock’n’roller whose job includes improvising jokes for laughs. Maybe this joke wasn’t funny, but it’s a damned joke. Same joke, by the way, that I’ve heard from a few friends and seen on half a dozen blogs.

The MAGA crowd, including elected members of Congress, the Senate, Donald Trump, and J D Vance, constantly talk about arresting, imprisoning, shooting anyone who says or does anything they don’t like — and they’re not joking.

  • HubertManne
    32 months ago

    What really frustrates me is the both sides where they compare this to stuff actual government offcials on the maga side do. These are not equivalent. no member of tenacious D holds office. no actual official democrat holding office says anything like what theirs do. Their reps represent the far right. dems at best rep a bit left of center and thats like bernie and they are still never nasty.