THE MORE PEOPLE learn about it, the more unpopular and politically toxic Project 2025 has proven to be. This has led the Trump and Vance campaign to attempt to distance itself from the effort. Former Trump adviser Stephen Miller now says he had “zero involvement with Project 2025,” despite appearing in a promotional video. And just today, The Intercept discovered two more conservative groups that have quietly bowed out from the controversial 900-page manifesto — including a national anti-abortion organization.

Miller’s group, America First Legal Foundation, was one of the first organizations to jump ship from the Project 2025 advisory board. Last week, America First Legal asked to be removed from the Project 2025 advisory board webpage. The organization was part of Project 2025 since at least June 2022, when the Heritage Foundation first announced the advisory board’s formation.

America First Legal staff were deeply involved in writing and editing the Project 2025 playbook. Its vice president and general counsel, Gene Hamilton, drafted an entire chapter about the Justice Department, which proposes launching a “campaign” to criminalize mailing abortion pills. In a footnote, Hamilton thanked “the staff at America First Legal Foundation,” who he wrote deserved “special mention for their assistance while juggling other responsibilities.”

  • @rockSlayer
    512 months ago

    Gotta love that the greatest strength of fascism is also it’s biggest weakness. Fascists value a strongman mentality and flock to powerful and influential people. As soon as there is any sign of weakness or drop in influence, it crumbles under it’s own weight.

    I’ll be honest, living through interesting times sucks but watching the second collapse of American fascism is pretty interesting.

    • @just_ducky_in_NH
      472 months ago

      Wait until we’re sure before saying American fascism is collapsing. Poke it with a stick. Maybe shoot it. Many times.

      • @rockSlayer
        212 months ago

        Absolutely, it’s not over until we seal the lead coffin. The signs are there that it’s falling apart though, and I’m enjoying it

    • @samus12345
      82 months ago

      It will inevitably collapse at some point, but we don’t know yet if it will do massive damage before it does.

      • @[email protected]
        72 months ago

        Potentially irreversible damage, we have extremely little time to take meaningful action on climate change and if trump gets to appoint judges for the next 4 years the situation very easily could be unrecoverable