I read a lot of people saying that I should leave spotify for local files, or Apple music, só i Sant to go witb the Apple music route, but I havê to convincente my family members, what are tour best argumenta?

(They think the switch will ne to hard, and therefore it isnt worth it)

  • @clubb
    37 months ago

    In Romania, they are removing mqa content making everything flacs, which in my opinion is good*, as mqa is lossy compression, labeled as “max”. I don’t know about the rest of the world, but it might help you.

    I have not seen any artists on spotify that weren’t on tidal. I do not know about the experience on other music services.

    *Quick rant. Mqa cannot be played on browsers, and as such, some of my favorite albums could only be played at CD quality on my desktop computer (running linux). For this reason, I consider this change a good one.

    • Prison Mike
      37 months ago

      I’m glad they’re choosing to remove MQA (at least there), that was specifically something I didn’t like.