• @TexasDrunk
    136 months ago

    You’re not wrong, but I’ve seen people go to great lengths to keep a car from getting repossessed even though they weren’t paying. So I meant “let them” as in “don’t fight them when they come knocking”.

    Long, worthless anecdote from 25ish years ago, feel free to skip: My buddy’s grandfather owned a very small hometown car lot and financed some of the cars in house (instead of interest, it was just a flat rate “this is what it costs if you don’t pay me up front”). Every once in a great while someone would stop paying and try to hide instead of calling and working with the guy who was super reasonable. He’d let people slide for months with no extra payments if you’d just talk to him about it. So my buddy would go looking for the car and pick it up. I went with him a couple of times because he needed a second driver.

    Once I went with him after we had a particularly wild weekend. He had hurt his foot in a drunken lake incident so he was limping. I had two black eyes from face planting after a separate drunken lake incident later that evening. We showed up and one of the tires on the car was flat. So he’s limping along with a tire tool and I’m helping him change the tire. We took it back without incident.

    Before we got back to the lot the guy had called his grandfather asking why he sent two “mob looking sons of bitches” to take it back rather than just coming out himself. We were hungover, scrawny, injured teenagers.

    The guy came by later that week and paid the damn car off and got it back. He had the money but was going to try to keep it and the car rather than paying this hometown working class guy.

    • Flying Squid
      116 months ago

      If you haven’t seen the move Repo Man, you should.

      • @TexasDrunk
        116 months ago

        I have not, but I just read a summary and that sounds insane, which is exactly my kind of thing.

        I’m going to see if my buddy has seen it. We may do a remote watch party.