• @Land_Strider
    23 months ago

    How is letting someone know about the facets of a topic is preparing them to use abused in that topic? Especially without an agent meddling in between. What, will the books themselves have sex?

    I’m aware that enough knowledge about sex and reproduction alone does not warrant a valid consent for sex just by itself and there are many more matters that should be taken into account, including enough experience in regular life matters to understand the scope of agreement for it, which a child or teen would not have, but at least enabling access to the material by which they can learn about it on their own volition is a good start to construct personal identity.

    Ask the fucking priests that touched you in places and called it something bullshit like putting god in you if they support anyone learning and constructing their own sexual identity through intermediary-free inanimate objects is safe and sound, you’ll get probably get more touching as they teach you what they think.