That sting was run back in May by Millersville Assistant Police Chief Shawn Taylor and a colorful cast of characters he assembled for the operation.

Among the revelations, the recordings show:

  • Taylor did not involve other law enforcement agencies with more experience in such operations because of his unfounded conspiracy theories that prominent state officials are involved in child sex trafficking.
  • Members of a private group posed online as minors — despite Millersville police being told by prosecutors that the sting would be legal only if sworn law enforcement officers were the ones doing the work.
  • Shawn Taylor told one operative that investigators would be using “pre-signed search warrants,” which would likely be illegal, according to experts.
  • Police arrested one suspect then, when he refused to talk to investigators, they turned him over to the private group for questioning.
  • A Millersville detective boasted that the suspect was being taken to a jail where it was likely that he might not come out alive.

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  • @SirDerpy
    -28 months ago

    Reinforcing a strike’s picket line is “political violence”?

    You need history. Lots of history.

    You need guns. Not idiots with guns like the cult. Wise and disciplined people of principle who agree they’d rather not use them. We don’t even need to fire a round. Call the bluff: “Kill us, then.”

    They won’t. The people will come when we call. Or, it’ll end like Les Mis. Either way it’ll be done with dignity.

    • @Maggoty
      28 months ago

      There was nothing dignified about Les mis. Didn’t you get that message? Did you watch the whole thing? The kids dying for nothing? Or did you stop at the marching song?

      You don’t need a rifle on the picket line for a strike. This isn’t the 1800’s.

      For fuck’s sake those of us who have seen what you’re calling for are trying to tell you it will not end the way you think it does. It will however obliterate the soul of the country and cause needless death and suffering. Just because you couldn’t put your ego away for two fucking seconds and talk to each other.

      • @SirDerpy
        -28 months ago

        Watch? I read it.

        For nothing? Ask the French.

        Don’t need guns? Never been beaten by a cop, huh?

        • @Maggoty
          28 months ago

          Then you did miss the point entirely. And the French got mass murder, 26 years of war, and then the return of the Ancien Regime. To be clear they did not just guillotine nobles or rich people. They were killing any dissidents so fast they had to chain them to barges and sink the barges, every day. It’s not called the Reign of Terror because they were upstanding and moral. They killed political rivals inside the revolution at a rate that makes Stalin blush.

          And cops, really? Like I said. Stand over there. Way over there.

          • @SirDerpy
            8 months ago

            I hope the threat of proletariat violence prevails as it usually does in history. Revolution is always a bloody mess.

            I didn’t miss the point. I choose non-violent change over a bloody mess. Where we seem to differ is that, as a last resort, I choose a bloody mess over the status quo.

            The system has had centuries to right its wrongs. Most of us have no hope of a life of dignity. We’re already dead. We’ll set the timetable for our freedom. Or, we won’t. Things will go on as they are. And, the next generation will shoot their shot.

            I choose to believe now is our time.

            And yes, beaten by a cop. Happens all the time. Some of them even make the news.