Movies don't have to be a thrill a minute. There are great movies that invite you to be bored and yet can still move you deeply, challenge your preconceptions—or maybe put you right to sleep. Here are the best movies that people think are boring.
I see and raise you: The Wannsee Conference (1984) - about the Nazi meeting in which the “final solution” was decided upon. They just sit around a table talking. Later adapted into Conspiracy (2001). wait these are TV films so maybe they don’t count.
Lost in Translation (2003)
Pretty much everything by Jarmusch. “Hey, want to see a movie about a modern samurai who works for the mafia? It’s got gunfights!” “Sure! Sounds exciting!” Well it is, but not how you think. (Ghost Dog)
How about:
I see and raise you: The Wannsee Conference (1984) - about the Nazi meeting in which the “final solution” was decided upon. They just sit around a table talking. Later adapted into Conspiracy (2001). wait these are TV films so maybe they don’t count.
Pretty much everything by Jarmusch. “Hey, want to see a movie about a modern samurai who works for the mafia? It’s got gunfights!” “Sure! Sounds exciting!” Well it is, but not how you think. (Ghost Dog)