(sorry I’m two days late with the news, but I thought it was interesting)

  • @masquenox
    28 months ago

    Good thing Russia isn’t making friends with China and India,

    China has no friends - it’s like the US in that regards. And India even struggles to project power within it’s own borders, never mind outside it.

    China could help Russia logistically, but Putin (and all of China’s other “allies” - and I use that term lightly) understand fully well that China’s “loyalty” can switch at any time - just ask Jonas Savimbi if you don’t believe me.

      • @masquenox
        28 months ago

        China is already helping Russia.

        As I’ve already said… China could help Russia logistically - but this help could disappear in a puff of hot air tomorrow. Again… China has no friends.

        Modi just had a big state visit to Russia.

        And this doesn’t mean much in any way whatsoever.

        I don’t need to ask Jonas Savimbi, I’ve been reading current events.

        Actual history will tell you a lot more than warmed-over propaganda.

        • Flying Squid
          -18 months ago

          Why are you talking about actual history when you want me to ask something of a dead person?

          • @masquenox
            28 months ago

            Fine. Don’t ask Jonas Savimbi. Ask the entirety of Vietnam - or do you have a problem verifying the histories of countries, too?

            • Flying Squid
              08 months ago

              The entirety of Vietnam? Do you mean their entire population? Because I assume they have a range of viewpoints like humans everywhere else on Earth and are not some sort of homogeneous hived-mind entity. Is that what you believe?

              • @masquenox
                8 months ago

                The entirety of Vietnam?

                Yes, the entirety of Vietnam - unless you think that there are plenty of Vietnamese who don’t know or don’t believe that Vietnam was invaded by China during the Cold War… twice.

                • Flying Squid
                  08 months ago

                  And because they were invaded by China during the Cold War, they all agree that China isn’t going to substantially aid Russia in their invasion of Ukraine?

                  All 98 million of them? Even the babies?

                  • @masquenox
                    28 months ago

                    Does being ridiculous come naturally to you?

                    Or does it only show up when your white liberalism-derived hysteria is threatened by reality?


                    Ask Vietnamese people how quickly China can turn on it’s “allies.” I’m sure they will be glad to tell you.