(Israel’s influence is insane)

  • @jeffw
    148 months ago

    Right but what happened in the 1972 Olympics? If you release a 1972 Olympic sneaker, you have to think about how you contextualize the release.

    • @[email protected]
      538 months ago

      Mind you, the complaint from Israel is not that Adidas is engaging in the revival effort/advertising campaign. Their specific complaint was that Adidas picked Bella Hadid as the face of it.

      Bella Hadid, who has not publicly said anything negative about Israel. Whose only “offenses” are that she’s half Palestinian, and that she’s shared messages on social media that condemn all murder, (which explicitly includes condemning the murder of Israelis in that statement).
      Sure, she supports the right to a homeland by Palestinians, but that’s not explicitly a dig at Israel. It seems like she’s taken great pains to not condemn an eminently condemnable country that has personally wronged her family, and now, her personally.

      It seems like Israel is throwing their weight around to harm her career and erase the achievements of yet another Palestinian. Much harm to her, for no harm mitigation to themselves.

      • @[email protected]
        68 months ago

        I mean, I get what you’re saying, but:

        Sure, she supports the right to a homeland by Palestinians, but that’s not explicitly a dig at Israel.

        That’s like… one of the things that Bibi and his warhawks have refused to budge on. They want to kill or evict them all. This is absolutely the reason why they got bent out of shape. Truly, egos to give Trump himself a run for his money, but unfortunately they’re also much less dumb.

        • @[email protected]
          58 months ago

          Ok but reread your comment and tell me what it has to do with Israel’s alleged criticism. The fact that we should expect this from them doesn’t change the fact that it’s fairly indefensible.

          • @[email protected]
            18 months ago

            You’re under the impression that they give a shit about logical consistency. They don’t.

    • @BeatTakeshi
      28 months ago

      There will always be context in anything you do, but unless she ever made an apology of this attack, the official Israeli tweet is just racism. Mind you I am not surprised from an apartheid state, but yeah it sucks that Adidas didn’t reply along the lines that they do sport, not politics.

    • @gmtom
      18 months ago

      So do you think they would get the same backlash for using a south African person in an advert because Oscar Pistorious was from SA and did atrocious?

      • @jeffw
        18 months ago

        SA didn’t do something though, he did. So that logic doesn’t really work. We’re talking about someone who has been an outspoken advocate about the war and she’s in an ad for the 1972 Olympics

        A more appropriate analogy would be a 9/11 memorial sneaker. Who would you put in that ad?

        • @gmtom
          08 months ago

          And Palestine didn’t do something, a few people did.

          And this isn’t a sneaker in memoriam of the massacre it’s a throwback to the event. It has nothing to do with the massacre.

          • @jeffw
            08 months ago

            Nothing to do with the massacre? Google 1972 Olympics and read a few articles. How many don’t mention what happened? They are inextricable

            • @gmtom
              08 months ago

              Yes? I know you’re acting in bad faith, but Yes. They released an iconic shoe that year for that Olympics, that is the only thing they are Referencing.