These are spaced about every 300 meters next to the trail in Memorial Park in Houston, TX, but they aren’t only along the trail. They are throughout the park. Does anyone have an idea what they might be? Thanks!

  • @[email protected]
    216 months ago

    Pretty sure that’s a type of 5G cell tower. I don’t know enough about them to tell you which one, but these have been going up a lot over the last couple years for short range high bandwidth cellular communications.

    Maybe someone else can fill in the details.

    • @[email protected]
      76 months ago

      5G is easily blocked by trees and buildings, so there needs to be many towers near each other

      • @marcos
        56 months ago

        Depending on what kind of 5G you are talking about (yes there are many), towers also can work together to increase the total (not individual) bandwidth on the places that reach many of them.

    • dave@hal9000
      56 months ago

      Pretty sure this is the answer, they seem to always look like that. Close to my street, they have them and it’s the same cylinder but installed on the old light poles

    • @FlummoxedOP
      36 months ago

      Hopefully someone can! Reception was already quite good in the park and there are already a bunch of huge towers in the area, so I was hoping it was something more exotic. They are also just so menacing… You’d think they could disguise them better! Thanks for your response!