• @[email protected]
        28 months ago

        This is so dumb. We’ll never know exactly but from what we do the initial infections don’t convincingly point to workers from the lab, genetic evidence suggests zoonautic origins are probable, there is no proof either way. The Chinese government isn’t allowing an audit, and by this point it’s too late anyway.

        There is no reason to believe it’s likely. Let alone certain. It’s literally just “China, who the usaians call red china, is uncooperative” and “there’s a lab studying Coronavirus’s in a region with lots of them”

        • @Linkerbaan
          8 months ago

          You just got linked proof.

          Even the person who gaslighted the world into believing lab leak was a conspiracy, has backtracked it last month. You just saw the video

          Just accept that the government lied.

          • @[email protected]
            08 months ago

            What government? what are you fucking on about? I don’t give a shit about political games in some hick filled military cult if you’re talking about the evil empire.

            There is zero evidence sars2 came from a lab, zero. Something being technically possible is not the same as it being likely.

              • @[email protected]
                18 months ago

                Yeah nobody who wrote that article or edited it understands virology and neither do you. This is not evidence.

                • @Linkerbaan
                  -38 months ago

                  Yeah sure bro you’re a medical expert. You know all about pangolins and bats I’m sure of it.

              • @[email protected]
                08 months ago

                Idk how to explain epistemology to you. This whole yeah yeah cleavage sites spike protein blah blah you gotta ask. Why were people proposing investigating that? Oh because they were anticipating viruses like that would be highly infectious and could emerge.

                Coincidences actually do happen, how many proposed researches into coronaviruses don’t match sars 2? Why don’t initial cases line up with what we know of where lab workers lived and travelled? why is there no testimony relating to the lab work? scientists have souls you know.

                Viruses jump species, novel mutations happen. Everyone was expecting a Coronavirus pandemic and guess what? In a completely predictable fashion we got one.

                You can’t just put red string between every vaguely cooincidental thing and conclude something. That’ll have you going bonkers.

                • @Linkerbaan
                  8 months ago

                  Yeah they just so happened to research a Corona variant in a lab in Wuhan right where the outbreak happened that matched Covid.

                  And now Fauci is walking back his claims about lab leak being a conspiracy.

                  But people have bought into his gaslighting so much that even when the person who did the gaslighting starts backtracking they are already fully bought in.

                • @Linkerbaan
                  8 months ago

                  Yes so vaguely coincidental there were demands for researching a virus exactly like Covid in the Wuhan Lab, and then Covid broke out right in their area.

                  What a massive coincidence.