Since 2020, the condition known as long COVID-19 has become a widespread disability affecting the health and quality of life of millions of people across the globe and costing economies billions of dollars in reduced productivity of employees and an overall drop in the work force.

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  • ᕙ(⇀‸↼‶)ᕗ
    -87 months ago

    while true this applies to EVERYTHING. no safetybelt in a car? damn…innocent ppl aswell.

    luckily humans have a choice for safetybelts, vaxxing and so many other things. so it is kinda acting like a baby if you demand “full info on covid for everyone, mandatory masks and so on”. covid was 2020… humans had enough time to educate themselves on the consequences aswell as realize from the first wave there’ll people dumb like a trump n9 matter how hard the facts.