• @AIhasUse
    -118 months ago

    Who do you think trump’s term was so awful for? Is it just that he got abortion passed off to the States? Did he start a bunch of wars like his predecessors? Did he blow the hell out of poor middle-easterners? Nope, the blue team does that. The red team usually does as well, did trump? Nope. The problem people have with Trump isn’t the things he did or does. It’s what people are so sure he is going to do. I don’t like him, he’s a prick, i won’t vote for him, but this idea that everything the blue team does gets excused and everything the red team does is pure evil is absurd. It doesn’t lead to any constructive dialog. It is absolutely no different from the opposing view that red is baked in jesus’ oven, and blue is straight from hell. The more people who do this ridiculous extremism on both sides, the worse we all are.

    • @[email protected]
      88 months ago

      but this idea that everything the blue team does gets excused and everything the red team does is pure evil is absurd

      That’s not a position I’ve taken, and you’ve been exceptionally rude throughout this discussion. (not only with me) As to the rest - if you can’t see what makes Trump worse, there’s nothing anyone can say that will change your mind anyhow.

      Good Day.

      • @AIhasUse
        -78 months ago

        You’d be amazed you incredibly difficult it is to not hurt the feelings of people completely invested in a candidate. All I’ve said is that biden is a rubbish choice for president. Part way through our conversation, biden literally agreed with me! You’re still simping him!

    • @AWistfulNihilist
      68 months ago

      He fucked up the COVID response so bad that the cognitive dissonance in the country led directly to a undermining of just about every institution that would be responsible for handling it. His embracing of obvious lies in public because they played to his base while acknowledging the truth of those thing in private, creating a dichotomy of response that actually played anyone without their head up their ass directly against those that did, within groups inside his own administration!

      His admin helped facilitate a vaccine he then directly undermined! Then he tries to take credit for that work constantly.

      Like honestly I was almost with you until you said that last bit which is hand down one of the dumbest things in context I’ve ever seen.

      • UristMcHolland
        48 months ago

        Yeah, his non-existent leadership during that time lead to over a million dead Americans and the worst economic downturn since the great depression. Just imagine if he got out in front of the pandemic by sending out MAGA facemasks to every household in the country… Trusting scientific experts who said facemasks help prevent transmission instead of going on TV and saying he "doesn’t think he’s going to do it…". From this moment on, our pandemic response was fucked.

        • @AIhasUse
          -48 months ago

          You think biden’s almighty leadership skills would have saved any more? So many people died because morons wouldn’t even wear masks, let alone distance.

          • @AWistfulNihilist
            38 months ago

            I really feel like you’ve purposefully shoved down the memory hole how much of the anti mask rhetoric came directly from Trump’s cabinet and network, and how he refused to wear them in public, expect for a couple occasions, because they would mess up his makeup.

            That not even talking and how he would undermine anything coming out of the CDC that wasn’t positive or contradicted one of the stupid things he said.

            Trump was uniquely terrible as a leader during COVID, honestly had he done an excellent job he probably would have been re-elected in 2020.

            • @AIhasUse
              -58 months ago

              Trumps sheeple were and still are especially anti-science, and they would have been that way even if a blue boy was president. Americans’ behavior killed Americans during covid, not a single fat man living in a bubble telling jokes on Twitter. He’s not the almighty powerful demi-god you people make him out to be. He’s just a dude. He poops like the rest of us. Don’t give him so much power with your obsessive anti-worship.

              • @AWistfulNihilist
                8 months ago

                Yes that’s true, that true with almost every country. That doesn’t remove any of the extenuating circumstances that Trump created as the executive in office at the time. And almost any other previous Republican or Democrat who had been in office would have done better.

                Trump isn’t a magician or something, he’s was just a terrible president who mishandled every bit of communication. All you are doing is strawmanning a negative opinion against a person who had an important job and fucked it up.

                • @AIhasUse
                  -18 months ago

                  If innocent lives lost is the metric then biden shot the bed. Not trump. What bombs did we supply to who while Trump was in office? I get that you don’t care about innocent foreigners dying from your tax money, but your selfishness isn’t all that matters. People in foreign countries matter too.

    • @[email protected]
      08 months ago

      Well, let’s see. He packed the supreme court so that they would overturn Roe v. Wade once Biden took power without a damn thing Biden could have done to stop them, he managed to politicize a pandemic, he made life hell for anyone who wanted to transition, he used taxpayer dollars to fund his business, he took state secrets out of the white house, he repealed Medicare for All, and you know, I would finish this list but then I remembered I can block you.