There are two big problems with drafting in solo queue right now. One is that if you’re flexible and/or pick to help the team comp, you’re likely to be dodged. Two is that dodges are a horrible user experience. Nobody wants to sit in 2-3 separate queues for ten minutes going through drafts that get dodged if you counter the enemy team too hard. Nobody wants to get their off meta champion banned because they showed it in the previous champ select.

Drafting is 100% part of the game and should be treated as such. The people “winning” a draft should get some kind of LP, whether that’s through playing a game where they have an advantage, or just straight LP for a dodge or afk.

Dodges and afks should lose full LP, and that LP should be distributed to the opposing team. If you queue up for a game, play it.

  • idunnololz
    22 years ago

    I think this change was done because there were more dodges in aram vs ranked. But the argument can be made that even though there is less dodges in ranked, the time loss can be greater due to how long draft phase lasts

    • ඞmirM
      12 years ago

      Wait a second I recognize that username. Didn’t know the Summit dev also played LoL. Lmk if you wanna play some ARAMs in EUW haha

      If ARAM dodge timers were shorter people would try to get godroll teams more often because they can just go to the toilet in the 5 minutes, so I understand why ARAM is 15 minutes. I just find it funny that ranked doesn’t also have 15 minutes at the bare minimum. 5 minutes feels like too little for wasting 9 others people’s time for an entire draft and also dodging bad matchups to save LP simultaneously

      I’d argue don’t queue ranked if there’s a slight chance you have to dodge for any reason, or at least extend the dodge timer after opponent bans are revealed so you can’t dodge if your OTP is banned. Still waiting for that “quick play” queue as a replacement(?) to blind pick so I can skip the 5 minutes of drafting that happens every game before someone inevitably dodges

        • ඞmirM
          12 years ago


          You’re the same person I talked to a month ago about Catalyst here in this community, and now I’m spending too many hours a day on Summit to browse Lemmy

          Talk about a crossover event. And I didn’t notice…

          • idunnololz
            22 years ago

            It’s ok. I just noticed you are the mod of this community LOL.

    • Cossacks
      12 years ago

      Yup, iirc there were more dodges in ARAM because people didn’t get a champ they wanted and they wanted to make a more punishing dodge timer.

      I do think dodging in ranked should be the same as ARAM but I think it’s in a better place then what it was a couple years ago.