• Ima Memeticist
    208 months ago

    @nyar @dactylotheca a leftist is pro-democracy, anti-monarchy, anti-theocracy

    leftism emerged as a coherent position during the french revolution as a common ground for the revolutionary coalition

    also friends don’t let friends be maoists, the environment can’t take another round of that sort of thing

    • @nyar
      -18 months ago

      That’s again vague enough to apply to some Republicans.

      Or was coherent for the French Revolution, but we aren’t currently undergoing the French Revolution. Also, not aware of a “leftist” party or organizing body from then. Were they the Jacobins, or the Feuillants?

      • Ima Memeticist
        18 months ago

        @nyar you’re overthinking it, ‘left’ was merely one of the sides of an auditorium where representatives seated themselves in a self-organizing way, choosing seats near others who shared their beliefs

        also what do you mean this isn’t the french revolution, there’s literally a monarchist plot to reinstall a king with the help of church leaders and sheriffs, people are protesting in the boulevards, bread is unaffordable, guillotine memes are in

        also also please apologize for pushing maoism

        • @nyar
          18 months ago

          It’s not the French Revolution because the French Revolution can only happen the once. History doesn’t repeat, but it can rhyme.

          Thanks for explaining to me something I already clearly knew given I gave you specifics about the French Revolution, very appreciated.

          Not gonna apologize cause I didn’t “push” maoism. I’m just asking for people with “left” politics to identify an ideological framework that resonates with them and then apply it to their lives instead of complaining about the right and begging capitalists for crumbs. If that’s anarchism, great. If that’s ecosocialism, great. If that’s maoism, great. Anything is better than identifying as a “leftist”.

          • Ima Memeticist
            08 months ago

            @nyar relax, it’s okay that i didn’t take your bait, it was kind of obvious and you shouldn’t feel bad about it not working

            anyway have fun killing the sparrows or whatever ecosocialists do