• @ace_garp
    8 months ago

    Currently running majority FLOSS, and glad for the excellent options that these very capable people have released.

    Desktops, laptops, HTPC:

    Trisquel GNU/Linux on Libreboot BIOS hardware


    Phones and tablets are:

    GrapheneOS + Fdroid only apps


    Rockbox audio players

    (+ Open Tunes from FMA, Argofox, CC netlabels, jamendo, bandcamp etc)


    Gadgetbridge + Amazfit Bip (watch)

    [Looking to switch out this watch for a FLOSS smartwatch like: pinetime or bangle.js]


    and dd-wrt on the router

    • Possibly linux
      28 months ago

      OpenWRT is going to be better than DD-WRT. It is certainly more flexible

      • @ace_garp
        18 months ago

        Thanks, I was checking both before going with ddwrt.

        Looks like OpenWRT has more options and less hand-holding. Would that be right?

        • Possibly linux
          28 months ago

          Yes but the wiki is very solid. Also the basic functionality doesn’t require much to setup. Just make sure you set the WiFi country

    • @njordomir
      28 months ago

      This guy has mad FOSS cred. I bet even his socks are made of free range organic open source wool released under a Creative Commons attribution share-alike licence.

      Seriously though, that sounds like an amazing setup. I always wanted to mess with gadget bridge some more. I have a number of old MiBand devices lying around as well as a Bip. The third party apps for that thing had more features than almost every fitness tracker I’ve had potentially even including my Garmin watch. What tools do you use to analyze/review/visualize the gadget bridge data?

      • @ace_garp
        28 months ago

        Thanks for the props :]

        I usually look at the session graph data on Gadgetbridge, or export a bike GPS track to OSMand to look more in depth at position, height, speed etc.