For me it’s: Testdisk (and Photorec) Caddy Netstat Dig Aria2

  • Jeena
    278 months ago
    1. Gimp to batch edit pictures in a script (I know about ImageMagick but still)
    2. Excel to change stuff in excel files quickly (I know about python modules but it’s so complicated to use)
    3. Proprietary VPN software like Cisco AnyConnect, I want to automate the login when I boot, but they don’t let me

    Just from the top of my head.

      • @sparr
        18 months ago

        There are many things you can do in the GIMP gui that can’t be done programmatically :(

    • @ik5pvx
      58 months ago

      For anyconnect: openconnect works perfectly, either as standalone script or via networkmangler.

      • Jeena
        28 months ago

        I did, doesn’t work with our company setup with 2FA.

        • @ik5pvx
          38 months ago

          What kind of prompt does your company 2FA provide? Using openconnect with networkmangler, I get a pop up to input my pin+totp. I haven’t done the script way in the last few years, but the connection script is plain shell and I was able to handle the 2FA from there too

          • Jeena
            18 months ago

            It’s some time ago I dug deeper on what was happening, but openconnect was getting a different response from the server than it expected and it just failed because of that.