Back in the day the best way to find cool sites when you were on a cool site was to click next in the webring. In this age of ailing search engines and confidently incorrect AI, it is time for the webring to make a comeback.

This person has given his the code to get started: Webring

  • maegul (he/they)
    47 months ago

    I’m aware of it (and while not being super enthused about it, I can my personal interest growing over time as the internet keeps tracking the way it is).

    But how does it help with a page recommendation system? Is there a strong culture of that sort of thing on Gemini?

    • whoareu
      27 months ago

      in gemini you typically find pages using Antenna (gemini:// here you would find different blog all across gemini. also you could go to bbs(gemini:// to discuss stuff of variety of range.