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As Negros celebrate another Black face fronting for white power, the occupation & brutality that oppressed people are subjected to in this backward, racist settler state continues. The very fact that these occupation forces are in our communities & homes is an indignity.


GRAPHIC: Cop shoots Sonya Massey for holding a pot of steaming water, afterwards falsely claiming she “came at me with boiling water.”

[Video, link below]

[NSFW] Direct video link:


      • SatansMaggotyCumFart
        22 months ago

        Calling me a liar is a personal attack especially when you can confirm what I’m saying in thirty seconds.

          • SatansMaggotyCumFart
            12 months ago

            Me: I bet you’re going to post another dozen posts in your little echo chambers now and ban anyone who thinks differently then you.

            You: that never happened before. why do you think it would start now?

            Me: Shows proof

            You: you can see the ban reasons plain as day

            Look at them goalpost move!

            They are out of the world and flying out of this universe!

            • Victoria Antoinette
              12 months ago

              you said they’d ban anyone who thinks differently. that’s not what happened.

              • SatansMaggotyCumFart
                12 months ago

                Prove it.

                The comment was nuked.

                Comment in my ‘women farting on cakes’ community and I’ll give you a real creative ban if you’d like.