Giving cash to poor people could result in fewer emergency department visits, a new study suggests.

The study published Monday in the Journal of the American Medical Association looked at almost 2,900 low-income people who applied for a lottery in the Boston suburb of Chelsea, Massachusetts. Nearly 1,750 of them got up to $400 per month from November 2020 to August 2021.

The researchers then looked at health records and found that those who received the money had 27% fewer visits an emergency room in the nine-month period compared with those who didn’t receive the monthly payments.

“We can trust the poor with money,” said co-author Dr. Sumit Agarwal, a physician at Brigham and Women’s Hospital in Boston. “There’s this narrative out there that you give people cash and they spend it on drugs and alcohol. I think we’re one of the first studies to really rigorously and empirically show that’s not the case.”

  • @MashedTech
    56 months ago

    Healthcare for everyone? You’re talking nonsense.

    • @NABDad
      56 months ago

      I know, I’m sorry. How will people learn not to get sick if you just give them healthcare? It’s crazy talk.