• @Valmond
    -68 months ago

    “Let’s criticise everything.”

    I mean there is a difference, and hearing “let’s criticise joe biden” after hearing about russia killing half a million people gets daunting in the long run. It feels like a new form of whataboutism.

    Sure we should criticise all bad things, but I don’t really feel we are not criticising the west, quite the opposite. China, NK, Iran (Russia starts to get some, but not enough IMO) not so much.

    What about Morocco? Mauretania, Kirgizistan or Libya? Or should we only have criticism for modern societies?

    I’m open for discussion of course.

    • @[email protected]
      48 months ago


      The usa is a giant military empire that literally indoctrinates children with flag swearing cultism stuff. Living in a world dominated by those fucks, who actively undermine the rules based order and refuse to rattify critical treaties/sabotage other treaties (e.g. sea floor resource stuff) is extremely stressful.

      In my country, allegedly a democracy, the usa forced our government to secretly sign a trade deal that lets US companies sue our government… directly undermining sovereignty.

      It sucks dude, we all fucking hate the usa because they ruin everything. I wouldn’t want to live next to Russia but they’re not fucking shit up over here so forgive me if I bitch about the dominant military empire that literally owns parts of where I live and makes us a target in war.

      • @Valmond
        -58 months ago

        So you live in some country that doesn’t have a name?

        Also, I mean this is whataboutisl at its finest. We all know west does bad things, but you know what? Russia is way worse. NK is way worse. China is way worse. Iran is way worse. But guess all you have is a personnal hatred for one and and only one specific country.

          • @Valmond
            -38 months ago

            The Uyghur genocide is just one, in the 40 last years, before that it’s even worse. What a nice dictatorship.

            You are such clowns.

        • @[email protected]
          48 months ago

          Iran has never hurt me, China has never hurt me, never roped the country into an illegal war that left half my highschool mates broken meth addicts, Russia has never hurt me. Idk what to tell you. Empires are evil, necessarily. The usa is the inheritor of the British legacy, they export war and exploitation. I’m sure if Putin led such an empire it would also be ugly, I’d prefer a more balanced world.

          Tbh China seems like a sort of bad neighbour (are there states which are good neighbours?) but they seem to generally be in favour of institutions like UN and they don’t militarise the shit out of the world. They’re a better trade partner than the usa.

          • @Valmond
            -38 months ago

            Oh, but you see, it’s not about you sweetie.

            They all kill mindlessly, go there and see for yourself, person from un nameable country.

            • @[email protected]
              28 months ago

              … Um ok? And the usa doesn’t? Isn’t it like number 1 for imprisoned population on the planet? Ultimately though I can’t judge countries by their domestic situation, because that’s not something I can do anything about.

              What I can judge countries by is how they destabilise the world and the ideology they export. The USA enforced, often extremely violently, a deeply exploitative world order which has effects locally for everyone. If Putin executes some dissidents then that is tragic, it is not however a globally significant issue. Something like the usa starting the war on drugs, strong arming nations into imprisoning or executing significant portions of disadvantaged populations is.

              Or the usa couping governments left, right, and centre to maintain an exploitative resource extraction international order. Which destabilised the globe and oppresses millions is.

              You might say “Iran would do that too!” but a) they haven’t and b) you’re guessing. Very few nations have ever behaved as badly as the usa/britain/france/spain. The others have chilled out, the usa hasn’t.

              • @Valmond
                -38 months ago

                You’re doing the whataboutism again !

                It’s almost as you copy paste that stuff… Hmmm maybe you’re not from “un nameable country” after all?

                • @[email protected]
                  18 months ago

                  If you were less ignorant of global politics it would actually be trivial for you to work out where I live from what I’ve said.

                  I’m really sorry about what passes for an education in the usa. Like seriously I am. You’ve been very heavily indoctrinated and so any criticism of your homeland feels like it’s an irrational attack. You don’t need to feel this way, it’s like those old fools who think that learning about past national wrongs means they need to live in shame or react by teaching so called ‘white pride’.

                  You are not responsible for the evil done by the elites that claim dominion over you, you don’t need to identify with them or defend their actions. Many were done by people no longer alive anyway.

                  • @Valmond
                    -28 months ago

                    Lol I’m not an American (so you’re not as smart as you think), but now I guess you are … Russian!

                    Otherwise you couldn’t be so oblivious to other dictatorships wrongdoings, and enough jealous of the west to keep you posting those “explanations” of why your country is “better”.