• @[email protected]
    8 months ago

    Is it the broke zoomers from the U.S. that are flooding your country?

    Do they out work you in the labor market?

    I guarantee that a broccoli cut So Cal motherfucker working at a grocers isn’t causing housing prices to rise.

    You’ve got reality twisted. It’s the owning class that’s rat fucking you.

    • @spirinolas
      8 months ago

      Yes, they are, and rich foreigners are one of the tools. You act like one of their tools you get treated like one. Colonists share responsibility in colonialism. All your arguments could’ve easily be used in an African country protesting European colonialism. Houses in my country are being sold directly in the US. They’re being built and sold directly in foreign markets while local people work all day and live in tents or under the bridge. The ads look so much like the old colonies in Africa. Selling paradise, selling my country, selling my culture like it’s fucking Disneyland while ommitting the existence of the original inhabitants. We get to accept servitude or just leave because iTs A gLoBaL wOrLd.

      You are defending colonialism. You’re so worried about American workers and the owner class but you don’t give a rats ass about our community that is being destroyed. Nah, we’re just dumb natives that know nothing about class warfare and you’re the white savior willing to give us the previlege of your enlightnment. We should just take it up the ass and things will surely work out…any day now…

      Fuck you!

      Again, the US is 100 times the size of my country. You can’t justify needing to come here. Your country is larger and less crowded. You have enough room for everybody over there. You keep coming over more people will have to leave. It’s just ethnic cleansing with extra steps. You fucked your country, then fix it! We’ve lost enough of our own people, enough of our culture.

      We are not Rhodesia! We are not Hawaii! You are not poor immigrants trying to make a living, you are people trying to exploit a country poorer then your own (and as such lower priced). You are colonialists!

      When the owner class stops fucking us over and people no longer need to leave then Americans and other foreigners are welcome as they always have been. Except you. You’re a fucking colonialist and we prefer human beings. You are not worth my spit in your face.

      • @[email protected]
        8 months ago


        Rich foreigners.

        What did I say about them in an earlier post? Put them and every other parasitic member of the owning class against a wall for all I care.

        I’ve only spoken about workers. If that doesn’t apply to the situation in your country, then I’m not talking about what’s happening in your country.

        You obtuse flippin nincompoop.

        • @spirinolas
          8 months ago

          What workers?? You think Americans are coming to work here for less than 5 euros an hour??? If the labor markets were even comparable do you think they would be able to gentrify the hell out of the country?

          Don’t you understand, any American living here while working remotely for a US company IS A RICH FOREIGNER!

          You’re the personification of entitlement and prepotence. Who’s obtuse, my white savior “friend”?

          PS: Fuck you.

          • @[email protected]
            8 months ago

            I don’t even know what fucking country you’re talking about. You’re definitely a nationalist piece of shit, but the article is talking about poor americans moving to places like Germany in order to get affordable health care; not whatever fever dream real estate ponzi scheme you’re arguing against. American workers DO emigrate to Germany in order to work.

            Fick dich. Tschüss.

            • @spirinolas
              8 months ago

              Lol, I’m not German. I couldn’t care less what a colonialist subhuman scum thinks I am. In my country people like you stay in the same trash can as nationalists. It’s one and the same for us. We got rid of your scum once before. No go away, don’t you have some villages to pillage and cultures to assimilate? Those natives are not going to “civilize” themselves, right? Riiiight?

              • @[email protected]
                18 months ago

                It’s nice to know that in Portugal, people like me and nationalists like you can share a trash can.

                It weirds me out that the you’re pretending Portugal, of all places, is a victim of colonialism from America. You’ve also got a weird fixation about skin color. And you’re really concerned about preserving the purity of your culture.

                Wanna know what people from my country did to Nazis like you?

                • @spirinolas
                  08 months ago

                  No, I don’t. Go away. I’m done entertaining you.