• SolidGrue
    752 months ago

    Oh hey look, Trump is trying to pull a stunt on Biden Harris like Reagan pulled on Carter with the Iranian hostages back in '80.

    • @Ensign_Crab
      262 months ago

      I kinda have a suspicion that he was already doing this. Even if Trump wasn’t working with Netanyahu before, Netanyahu clearly prefers Trump, and Biden was playing into his hands.

      But Harris isn’t president and isn’t in a position to help Netanyahu with his genocide.

      This reads to me like Trump and Netanyahu are meeting to see how to change their strategy to get Trump elected.

    • @phoneymouse
      1 month ago

      I’ve been saying this. Netanyahu is going to keep the war going until after the election, hoping the bad press drains support from the democratic candidate. Netanyahu would rather see Trump in office anyway. If you’re still blaming the war going on in Gaza on the democrats, just wait until Trump gets in office and gives his support for the total and permanent occupation of Gaza. You’re behaving just as Netanyahu wants you to by not voting for the democrat in November.

    • Flying SquidM
      81 month ago

      If that is what he’s trying, he should try it with someone else. America was pretty united on the hostage situation in 1980.

      • SolidGrue
        51 month ago

        Of course you’re right, but this time America-- significantly, the part that votes Democratic-- is pretty divided over it and that plays to Trump’s strength. By agreeing to keep the war going until next year, Bibi can accomplish at least two things simultaneously. First, it keeps the Democratic base divided between supporting the Israeli state vs doing anything substantive about the death, destruction and genocide occurring in Gaza. Any Democratic candidate that takes a stance against the war publicly will suddenly find their opponent very well funded. Meanwhile a key bloc of voters remains alienated by the party’s policy. It’s a heavy albatross hung about the necks of the Democrats. Harris has to campaign with that as a backdrop, and of course the Republicans will make hay over it.

        Second, if and once Trump back is in office then Israel will be free to roll through Gaza and perhaps even the West Bank, completely wiping out any chance of a Palestinian state. The war ends, and Trump gets to say he resolved the conflict, which means “he won.”

        So, yes. Different than 1980, but not really. All Republican dirty tricks-- and violations of the Logan Act-- to muddy up an election for fun and profit.