• @[email protected]
      88 months ago

      I of course don’t know what any specific person needs, but knowing what the vast majority of people need is trivial, it’s basic science.

      Please stop arguing is such bad faith in every response you make.

      • KⒶMⒶLⒶ WⒶLZ 2Ⓐ24
        -88 months ago

        i’m stating facts, and you concede those facts, and then claim i’m arguing in bad faith. you don’t know what that means: your accusation of bad faith is, itself bad faith.

        • @[email protected]
          58 months ago

          You are stating strawmen: facts with no relevance to the argument presented, which you then point to and refuse to address the actual argument.

          I never claimed to know what any individual needs, but you have started it as a fact as if that is at all relevant. It’s not, because I never claimed it. I claimed that I know that the vast majority of people need, based on basic science and statistics. If you have fact which actually argued against that, then please go ahead. But unrelated facts posing as arguments are strawman arguments, and are bad faith.