So like I was trying to install Davinci resolve (an editing program) and while doing so it basically said “removing” followed by that appears to be everything installed on my computer

So I nope right out of there and I notice a bunch of important things are missing ex: the terminal, file manager, etc

So I just decided Maybe if I reboot everything will be a ok

And now on this screen and it won’t even let me enter my logic

This was the latest update of Kubuntu And idk what I did wrong or how I got here

I’ve only been using Kubuntu for probably about 4 months ish

Edit: please help

Edit 2: I got it working by reinstalling Kubuntu as suggested, Thank you for the help :>

  • @mvirts
    27 months ago

    If you can intercept boot ( press a key to get to the grub menu or whatever… I haven’t used Ubuntu in a while so maybe it’s not so simple anymore) you may be able to enter rescue / single-user mode and let apt complete the changes and then revert them.

    A clean reinstall may be easier depending on how much you’ve changed on the system. Easier isn’t always better, fix this and you’ll know how to do it again in the future.