This guy just walked into the capitol of the United States and criticized the American people for exercising their first amendment right. The audacity.

  • @[email protected]
    8 months ago

    And yet again we have congress members clapping like trained seals to debunked Israel propaganda and the characterization of anti-war protesters being in favor of the killing of civilians.

    “My friends, defeating our brutal enemies requires courage and clarity. Clarity begins by knowing the difference between good an evil. Yet, incredibly, many anti-Israel protesters choose to stand with evil. They stand with Hamas. They stand with rapists and murderers. They stand with people who came into the kibbutzim – into a home – the parents hid the children, the two babies, in a secret attic. They murdered the families – the parents. They found the secret attic and then they murdered the babies. These protesters stand with them; they should be ashamed of themselves.”

    *Thunderous applause, standing ovation

    This is 2003 Iraq War levels of state-approved disinformation. I feel nauseated.

    • @Waveform
      368 months ago

      It’s must be like one long nightmare for Palestinians. It’s akin to the Great Tribulation, and the politicians who claim to believe in such things are way too happy supporting Israel. I cannot imagine the US standing much longer, not after this and everything else this country has done to the world. It has to end.

      • @[email protected]
        8 months ago

        Oh honey, the USA has been committing genocide for hundreds of years. This visit is a return to form, not some sudden heel turn.

        • a near-total genocide of Native American populations
        • a near-total genocide of the Native Hawaiian people (90% population loss following colonization)
        • eugenics programs that inspired Hitler (literally not even a joke. This is history.)
        • using black folks for medical experimentation without their consent (Tuskegee, etc)
        • creating terrorists out of American citizens using the CIA
        • constant ongoing state sponsored violence against minorities and the disabled
        • 6 million excess deaths caused by the occupations of Iraq and Afghanistan
        • millions of deaths in Cuba directly caused by American economic terrorism
        • egregious human rights abuses. Read up on how Uyghurs in Xinjiang are treated. Really weird how when it happens to American working-class citizens, it’s suddenly not a human rights abuse anymore.

        I was told here that voting blue would fix it all. Republicans brought this monster in, will the victorious DNC do anything about it after November besides… hold their applause?

        I think we all know the answer. History will remember them as collaborators.

        • @Waveform
          108 months ago

          You’re right, and it’s horrifying that it continues. I guess I was just voicing a wish that it would end soon.

          I also don’t trust either party to fix any of these things. It’s a sly game their playing, and sadly it’s still working -_-

    • @[email protected]
      28 months ago

      In writing he comes off an awful lot like Trump to me, if Trump were more coherent anyway.

      But maybe it’s because he just sounds like a Republican.

      • @[email protected]
        18 months ago

        The speech was certainly written with the Republicans in mind, so i wouldn’t be surprising if that was intentional.

    • @Eheran
      -178 months ago

      What of that is debunked?

      • @[email protected]
        8 months ago

        Immediately after October 7th, there were various sensational and outlandish claims made by Israeli officials that babies were beheaded, put into ovens, murdered in their nurseries, and generally singled out and made to suffer with intentional violence. Since then, no evidence whatsoever has been provided to substantiate these claims and the majority of them have been dropped completely.

        UN records indicate that one baby did actually die along with her family after Hamas fighters opened fire into a safe room in Kibbutz Be’eri (page 10), but there were no recorded cases where multiple babies were intentionally targeted and killed in the way that Netanyahu describes.

        None of this is to diminish the atrocities that were committed on October 7th, but it is telling that Israel and Netanyahu in particular seem dead set on making the events on that day seem as barbaric as possible in order to somehow justify the large-scale massacring of men, women, and children that is happening in Gaza.

          • @[email protected]
            178 months ago

            Those videos were so crazy. I guess Hamas hides their weapons in the MRI room so that they can find them again just by turning it back on?

        • @Eheran
          -118 months ago

          He is not specifically saying such things, what he says did happen. Some shit got debunked, but not what he says here. So… why call it debunked?

          • @[email protected]
            88 months ago

            No, it did not happen the way he described it. Firstly, there was a baby, not babies. Secondly, the child was not secreted somewhere alone, found after the parents had been shot and then deliberately killed.

            Netanyahu is deliberately embellishing the story in order to heighten the outrage over October 7th, and then trying to frame anyone protesting Israel’s ethnic cleansing in Gaza as a supporter of what happened. It’s disgraceful.

      • @[email protected]
        358 months ago

        Maybe start with “anti-Israel protesters choose to stand with evil.” He’s taking about people protesting mass murder of civilians by Israel. Fuck that guy with a rotten pineapple.

        • @SulaymanF
          68 months ago

          No you don’t want the pineapple to be rotten, that would make it softer and marginally less painful.