• @sandbox
    -27 months ago

    Having different values from you does not mean they don’t understand nuance. They’re not stupid. They just have a moral boundary that they refuse to cross: supporting genocide. If the lesser evil involves voting for a politician who provides military and financial assistance to a genocidal regime, then I would say that the only morally correct course of action is revolution.

    • @recapitated
      7 months ago

      What kind of revolution? The kind that involves more soldiers and cops raping citizens here? Because as far as I know that’s the only type there is.

      • @sandbox
        17 months ago

        No, a working class revolution. A general strike. Whatever you want to call it when the working class refuse to capitulate to the demands of the ruling class. And if necessary we will defend ourselves, but violence is not the goal. The goal is to remove the ruling class from power, by any means necessary. By refusing to provide for them, and to follow their demands, they lose their power, and alternative structures for society without imbalances of power or systems of oppression can be formed.

        • @recapitated
          17 months ago

          I hear you. I feel that. But just remember to play the hand you actually have as best you can. Sometimes the situation sucks but it’s still up to us to make decisions.

          I support your diversity of tactics, I just don’t think the American people are there with you yet… So keep on pushing us.

          • @sandbox
            17 months ago

            Sure, I get that too. I completely understand why people would’ve voted for Biden, despite all of the glaring reasons not to. I sympathise entirely with your situation, it’s really a shitty decision to be left with. I just think it’s unfair to say that people who disagree with your decision are, necessarily, not understanding the nuance of the situation. They probably all understand why you’d make your decision and for the most part don’t really have a problem with it. Most of us just want an acknowledgment and an understanding that both sides are fucking horrible and that we need to find a third solution, whatever that may be, in the long run, because voting for the least worst option will only work for so long, and we’re rapidly running out of road.

            • @recapitated
              17 months ago

              The presidency isn’t the right place to dig your heels in to force a massive cultural shift. Those candidates are arising from the most average aggregate American opinions, it’s how they got there.

              From the top down, a nudge is all we’re going to get. Even if you win all your policy positions, that will probably still be true.

              If we’re successful at winning hearts and minds, better candidates will arise from us, that’s what representation is.

              Local politics is so ripe for disruption when it comes to expertise and integrity, hell even the US house is like a kindergarten playground with bottom of the barrel officials.

              Meanwhile we need to play some defense, especially in the court appointments. We need to focus on our communities, but at the same time not giving away an inch more than we’re forced to.

              Even when you think you’re losing, there is still always one best possible thing that you can do. Maybe rolling over is it, if you believe D and R are the exact same thing, but I happen to think there’s a lot more at stake here in the long game.

              • @sandbox
                17 months ago

                The medium is the message. Americans view their politics as a vote they do every four years. Only by making them accept the fact that voting will never accomplish the change they want to see, will they ever be willing to wake up to the fact that they need to do something beyond voting.

                You can vote for fascism now, or fascism later. You can’t vote for no fascism. I agree that fascism later is the better choice, but you have to take that choice knowing that you’re not helping solve any problems, you’re just doing harm prevention.

                The wealthy elite will never, ever allow any change that challenges their hegemony to happen through the political system, the media, the courts - all institutions are firmly under their entire control.

                Only by acknowledging the truth can you do something about it.