“The story, which did not go out on the wire to our customers, didn’t go through our standard editing process. We are looking into how that happened,” AP spokesperson Nicole Meir told The Verge in an email.

News reports (and fact-checks specifically) are often worded in a way that carefully threads a needle — there’s a difference between saying something definitively didn’t happen versus saying there’s no evidence of it. My guess is that the AP headline was the problem here because it claims to debunk something that is unknowable.

  • @bazus1
    277 months ago

    Does he like them elegant?

    Or Sporty?

    • @cowfodder
      147 months ago

      He prefers the first one, cuz if he squints hard enough those windows in the background look like two klansmen watching him go to town, which is the only way he can cum.

      • @bazus1
        57 months ago

        TIL JD Vance lived in Vancouver at one point.