What’s with all the downvotes?

Saw a few threads get blasted, and a de-federation post - did I miss the drama?

  • skulblaka
    52 years ago

    It’s funny you should say that, because in fact I have a gay sister who is extremely active in LGBTQ+ mental health as a licensed psychologist, a brother who is happily post-hrt trans, and am dating a trans male. No, I think you’re just an asshole. :)

    Most of the gays I know don’t appreciate having their identity wielded as an insult. Sounds like you need to work on some of that ingrained homophobia.

    • arcturus
      2 years ago

      are you LGBTQ though?

      because if not, this take isn’t it; there’s a lot about LGBTQ communities that you’re not going to understand just by being around them or being related to them