• @Heavybell
    36 months ago

    Hm, fair point. I personally hate external accounts because it makes your ownership of your purchase that little bit more tenuous. Your continued access is now contingent on Valve remaining extant and good, Epic remaining extant and… tolerable, and the game’s servers, assuming EFD has those and offers no local / P2P option. Admittedly if that last is the case, you would hope if things fell through with Epic that the publishers would come up with some other solution, but I know it took a LONG time for most games that straddled the Steam+GFWL boundary to become playable again after GFLW died. And I’m not sure if they all did.

    • @ampersandrew
      16 months ago

      Yeah, I think the real thing worthy of review bombing is no local or direct IP substitute, but that’s also unfortunately most multiplayer games these days. No matter what, if you want cross play, someone has to pay for it, and Epic is willing to foot the bill. Plus, Valve’s multiplayer servers, if I had to bet, have less uptime, so Epic might be an improvement.

      • @Heavybell
        26 months ago

        I definitely agree on the lack of local / direct connection options.