American gen Z voters share how they feel about Kamala Harris’s presidential bid, why they like or dislike her as a candidate and whether they think she could beat Donald Trump, as the vice-president races towards winning the Democratic nomination for November’s election.

‘I think she’s just what we need’

“I think [Kamala Harris] is the only one that makes sense. She will get the votes Biden couldn’t. She could get the Black, Asian, Latino, women’s, LGBTQ+ and youth votes. She stands more for progress and equality than an old white dude and if she wins it will be historic. The Democrats need a bold move and I think she’s just what we need.

“I hope the Democrats realize what an opportunity this is for them.” Will, 22, construction worker from Portland, Oregon

  • @lennybird
    18 months ago

    hahahah, finally! Now we’re getting somewhere!

    You think the only person who’d be even better to run the country is Tom Cruise because he played a fighter pilot and is a super-successful actor

    Well now, you’re just wrong here, friend. Blind speculative straw-men are not a sign of sound critical-thinking.

    Now I’m glad you got all that out. But in all of this ranting, isn’t it painfully ironic that you never mentioned one single policy but instead focused on the person(s), me, and the American people? lol. I bet you don’t even know the policy positions of AZ US Senator Mark Kelly. For someone so hellbent on policy, you sure sling Ad-Hominems left and right lol.

    Ultimately Americans recognize that policy platforms can change and mean little if the person is a scumbag. Many of us put an emphasis on the character of a person because that signals core values. We like Mark Kelly because he actually served his country; we like Mark Kelly because as an astronaut and fighter pilot he ascended to some of the most rigorous demands of intellect, courage, and knowledge. We like Mark Kelly because he’s a stand-up guy, unlike Donald Trump, and that he has a reasonable policy platform anchored to the Democratic party no less. But perhaps you don’t understand this because you’re not American? Who knows. All I know is your arrogance is leading you to over-extend your confidence past the point of understanding.