She’s always child-free. She has oldest kids 50% of the time and L is at Nana K’s every single day all day while Sarah goes shopping, takes selfies, gets her hair done, and filters her photos. This is delusional.

  • @[email protected]M
    5 months ago

    This reeks of mansplaining, Maple and you’re getting worked up because your feelings are hurt. It’s okay that you don’t understand what we are about but stop discounting it due to your ignorance.

    • @[email protected]
      45 months ago

      Just block them. They don’t want to get it. Some people are so strange.

      Imagine seeing a group of people meeting in public and butting in yelling “explain to me what you’re all talking about” and a few people try and explain and the person just keeps yelling nonsensical things at them that have nothing to do with the conversation and then tells the group that was just minding their own business that they’re the toxic ones?

      Yea this person has no idea how to behave around strangers.

    • MapleEngineer
      05 months ago

      Not worked up. No hurt feelings. You’re projecting.

      I saw the posts going by in All and saw that they were incredibly toxic. I read the info and saw that it was so toxic in fact that it had been banned by Reddit which is a fetid cesspool of toxicity so it made me curious. I’m just asking questions to try to understand why you can’t simply walk away. It’s the members of this community that are getting worked up and their feelings hurt because someone is questioning the group think.

      • @[email protected]M
        55 months ago

        Questioning the group think is how this group formed. The Kool-Aid cups were set aside and people started questioning what this person is doing. Influencing is a job. The Influencer is the product and the followers are the marks. We got tired of being the marks and hope we can find a way to stop her from defrauding others. To do otherwise is being a bystander. It’s awesome that you stand in judgement and label our group toxic and believe we can’t just walk away. Of course we could walk away and just allow her to continue completely unchecked since Influencing is very close to being an unregulated industry but that would be wrong.