A hobbiest reached out to me with a trove of collected material, which included a folder filled with Rogue Trader era space marines. The contents are just too good not to post. I have tried to trac…
If you ever do want to dip back in soon, skirmish rules (both GW and 3rd party) are popular, and you only need about 10 minis for them. Or you go weird and try something like Marvel Crisis Protocol and have a little team of superheroes to brawl with.
Oh I still have a shit ton in my attic along with paints that are probably bone dry by now. The issue is time. Perhaps in a decade.
If you ever do want to dip back in soon, skirmish rules (both GW and 3rd party) are popular, and you only need about 10 minis for them. Or you go weird and try something like Marvel Crisis Protocol and have a little team of superheroes to brawl with.
Yea, some day. Right now I’m deluged in projects and have to take care of the family. One day though.