For the first time in 6 or 7 weeks, it was cool enough last night to open the windows instead of running the A/C. Before bed, I opened up all the windows downstairs and upstairs to make sure there was good circulation.

That part was successful; house was 72 degrees when I got up this morning and very comfortable. Maybe I’ll even weep a little less when I open this month’s power bill. Except, what’s that horrible smell?

Nearly gagging, I think, “Aww, man. Did one of the dogs have an accident?” The smell is omnipresent throughout the house, but after checking everywhere, no obvious source could be found.

As I stepped outside with the dogs, the stink became much thicker, and I realized what I smelled inside was coming from outside. The whole neighborhood reeks of dead animal, and now so does my whole house.

Update: Just called animal control, and they’re going to come out and try to find/remove it.

    • Admiral PatrickOP
      147 months ago

      Yeah, I must’ve gone down a little too hard on your mom last night.

        • Admiral PatrickOP
          7 months ago

          Lol, thanks for playing along and being a good sport. I am the world’s nicest drunk, but the day after when I’m hungover, I’m anything but.

          Now that my head is no longer throbbing, I realize my reply may have been a bit disproportionate and I offer my apologies lol.

          • @boatsnhos931
            27 months ago

            If you don’t call my mother back, we are going to have a problem buddy